Jovan Popović Tekelija first distingushed himself as a soldier in the liberation of Buda in 1686. In Senta during the course of the historic battle in 1697 he was captain of the Serbian militia in the town. With his scouts he followed the Sultan's army and informed Eugene of Savoy of their movement and maneuvers only to give further decisive contrubituon to victory by finally taking role in combat during the very battle. For his military achievement at Senta he recieved the rank of colonel and became the high commander of the Military Frontier with his headquarters in Arad. He was also accounted to expand the settlement and build a fortress. Jovan Popović Tekelija continued to prove a brave and able military commander, especially during the sieges of Timisoara and Kecskemet. In 1706 he and his family were proclaimed nobility.